Brain Health & Memory

The brain is the most energy-hungry organ in the body. Despite the fact that it weighs just 1.5kg, it steals roughly 25% of the body’s energy requirements. It is therefore dependent on a second-to-second supply of energy, which is only provided by the food we eat. Much like a performance car, the brain functions best when it runs on premium fuel.

When we think of food, we think of it as being enjoyable and providing energy and building blocks for the body. However, research is starting to recognise the important role food and dietary factors play on specific molecular systems and the mechanisms that preserve our mental function. As science has advanced, we’ve been able to identify how food not only influences energy metabolism, but also neuroplasticity (i.e. our brain’s ability to change and reorganise itself in response to injury and learning experiences), which is an important factor in the evolution of the modern brain. steals


Are You Being Fructed? Why Too Much Fructose is Driving Dementia, Diabetes and Brain Fog

Find out why fructose carries out such a blitz on our bodies.


Two Nutrients That Reduce Brain Fog & Increase IQ

The biggest effect was seen in those given both omega-3 DHA and folic acid.


Drugs Won’t Prevent Dementia

Lancet Commission on dementia prevention, favours targets for drugs ignoring quick and easy wins such...


Lack of Omega-3 Causes Increased Aggression Study Reveals

Widespread omega-3 deficiency is cranking up aggression, new study shows.


The ApoE4 Gene, Prevention and Me – Jerome Burne’s Story

Find out Jerome's lifestyle changes for Alzheimer's prevention.


Alzheimer’s – Prevention is Better than Cure

Find out why prevention is the key for Alzheimer's.


A Relative with Memory Problems? My Key Recommendations

Find out how to help a relative with memory problems


Omega-3 Cuts Dementia by a Third

Can omega-3 protect your brain from developing dementia?


Support Alzheimer’s Prevention Day!

Join in Alzheimer's Prevention Day - here's how.


Can Antioxidants Protect Your Brain?

Your best bet is probably to both eat a diet with a broad spectrum of...


Upgrade Your Brain – Take Action Now!


Is Your Diet Bad for Your Brain?

We are facing a new pandemic. he food we eat. It is damaging our brain.


Diet Not Genes Is Driving Dementia – the ApoE4 Exaggeration

Eating a healthy diet is the most important prevention step for Alzheimer's.


8 Steps to Upgrade Your Brain

What you eat and how you live has a major impact on how you think...


NEW! Upgrade Your Brain book – out 25 April

My NEW Upgrade Your Brain book is out 25 April


Your Brain is Our Oyster

The pearl is your brain. Tragically, it is shrinking.


Why Your Brain Needs Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an allrounder as far as your brain and mental health is concerned...


The Omega-3 Home Test To Protect Your Brain


Modern humans’ brain size has shrunk by 20%

Are we dumbing down? Both brain size and IQ are falling in modern humans, coinciding...


How to Cut Your Dementia Risk by Three Quarters

Up to 73% of dementia cases can be prevented, new UK Bio Bank study shows.


How to Stop Your Brain Cells Dying

New research gives a vital clue as to how to stop your brain cells dying...


Vitamin supplements improve gut microbiome and health

Supplementing vitamin C and D are good for your gut health.


Autism Numbers Quadruple – one in six children ‘neurodivergent’

The number of children diagnosed with ADHD has rocketed.


Two Volunteers Die from New Alzheimer’s Drug

Two volunteers die from new Alzheimer's drug.


Dorothy Got Her Husband Back from Dementia

Dorothy explains how her husband's dementia symptoms improved with the help of Food for the...


B Vitamins & Omega 3 – Dynamic Duo Against Dementia

New research shows that B vitamins and omega-3 are a dynamic duo against dementia.


Supplementing Vitamin D Helps Reduce Dementia Risk

Taking vitamin D supplements may help ward off dementia, according to a new, large-scale study.


Are You Digital?

I’m interested in nothing – and everything. One’s and zero’s. Neurons either fire or don’t....


New Alzheimer’s Drug is No ‘Game Changer’

New Alzheimer's Drug is No 'Game Changer'.


Does HRT Help Prevent Dementia?

Clinical trials to date have not shown benefit.


How to Reduce Your Risk of Alzheimer’s Today

Both B vitamin and omega-3 studies have done much better than drugs.


Four simple changes that may halve your dementia risk, say experts

The new research showed that there are four easy ways to cut your risk of...


Alzheimer’s IS Preventable – Spread the Word

Food for the Brain Foundation have launched the Alzheimer’s Is Preventable Campaign. Spread the word!


Are you being electrified? Say NO to G5

There was a time when we didn’t know if non-ionising radiation from mobile phones, with...


Ketones and your brain

Our brains have a dual fuel mechanism. The brains of large brained animals like us...


Do you have the guts to be happy?

Could a damaged digestive system have an effect on your mood?



The dry weight of your brain is 60 per cent fat. The trillions of brain...


Why Coffee is Bad for Your Brain

Many of us self-medicate unknowingly by eating, drinking or smoking substances that temporarily promote the...


Turmeric – spice up your memory

Turmeric is the bright yellow spice found in most curry powders. You can buy it...


Mobiles double brain cancer risk

Long-term mobile phone use more than doubles brain cancer risk.


Olive oil’s secret painkiller ingredient

Good quality olive oil protects the heart, brain, skin and reduces blood sugar, inflammation and...


What is it to be fully human?

There are three characters in all of us that relate to body, heart and mind,...


Mind transforming health tips

As important as good nutrition, exercise, reducing stress, not smoking and creating a toxin-free environment...


Is social media anti-social?

The advent of social media – emails, texts, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter – has radically changed...


Which? Magazine’s Dementia Advice is Dangerous

A report by Which? recommends against supplements and screening for age-related memory loss - I...


How to Stay Young (2) Review

Did you learn anything? More reinforcement that diet and an active lifestyle make a difference.


Are blueberries food for the brain

Are blueberries food for the brain? Definitely yes, according to a new study revealed in...


Alzheimer’s – drugs or vitamins?

There’s a blatant example of double standards going on right now with dementia. You will...


B12 memory study is bad science

A study published today, which was rejected by the British Medical Journal, claims that vitamin...


Omega-3 and B vitamins cut dementia brain shrinkage by 73%

There is no cure for Alzheimer’s. Brain shrinkage, the hallmark of Alzheimer’s, starts for many...


No Cancer deaths by 2050?

That was the announcement in yesterday’s newspapers in response to an £80 million cut in...


Mediterranean diet keeps you ‘genetically young’

A study in the British Medical Journal has found that the Mediterranean Diet (which is...


B vitamins memory benefit questioned

We know that B vitamins, given to those with both the first signs of memory...


Are you B12 deficient? Why treatment has to change.

Many people who suffer from tiredness, failing mood and memory lack vitamin B12, known as...


Why are Oxford University and Alzheimer’s Research UK trying to discredit B vitamins?

Last month I told you in a blogabout the research of Robert Clarke et al.


One in three Alzheimer’s cases preventable NOW, says expert review

One in three cases of Alzheimer’s could be prevented, new research reveals - but policy...


Living with Dementia

There are currently around 800,000 people suffering with dementia in the UK – and that...


Memory Loss

Every year in Europe, a million people are diagnosed with memory decline, and 400,000 of...



The evidence suggests that the nutritional approach it not only more effective than anti-depressant drugs...


Weight loss; it’s all in your mind

While we most certainly have genetic predispositions, our brains can change in amazing ways, regardless...


B vitamin supplements stop Alzheimer’s brain shrinkage

Ground-breaking research from Oxford University is published today (21st May), in the Proceedings of the...


Omega 3 DHA improves memory

Omega fish oil supplements are proven to help children with ADHD but what about adults...


Autism – essential nutrients

Autism is a complex condition sharing many similarities with other conditions such as dyslexia, dyspraxia...


Coconut oil benefits for Alzheimer’s & weight loss

Virgin-pressed coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) with convert directly into ketones. Recent evidence suggests...


Omega 3s improve reading, behaviour and heart risk

A new study shows that giving children omega 3 supplements improves reading and behaviour. A...


A drug that stops Alzheimer’s developing

A new drug has been proven to stop memory loss and stop brain shrinkage in...


Homocysteine – does it predict heart disease?

Yesterday I got a press release headed ‘High blood homocysteine levels are not linked with...


The politics of Alzheimer’s prevention – what works?

A recent Lancet Report claims that 3 million less Alzheimer’s cases could result from dealing...


WHO: Cell phones may cause cancer

Radiation from cell phones could possibly cause cancer, according to the World Health Organization. In...


55,000 do Cognitive Function Test in 10 days

Food for the Brain's Alzheimer's Prevention Project has got off to a flying start with...


15 minute Online Test for Dementia

The first free on-line Cognitive Function Test developed by leading mental health experts to accurately...


B vitamins stop brain shrinkage preventing dementia

Dementia and Alzheimer’s are very real concerns for all of us. Today, a definitive study...


Eating fish cuts memory loss

A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition of 15,000 people across seven countries...


Can coffee reverse Alzheimers?

This is the headline that newspapers and the BBC ran today based on a study...


Why I had my mercury fillings removed

Last week’s Tonight report on ITV on the dangers of mercury fillings has reopened this...