
Catch up with my opinion on the News and nutrition research. I’ll keep you informed of the latest developments and add my analysis. Sign up to my to be kept fully up-to-date.

50,000 Excess Deaths. Why?

The BBC reports a 9% increase in deaths in 2022 compared to 2019.

January 11, 2023

Overdone it this festive season? Then try my New Year detox

Give your liver a clean up with a 9 day detox and you'll soon be feeling clear headed, energetic and...

January 2, 2023

How to stick to New Year’s Resolutions

Can you usually keep your resolve for your New Year’s resolutions, or does your will power start to wane after...

January 2, 2023

The Truth About Pandemic Policy and Politics

Why UK government pandemic skewed so far away from the actual science on the vaccines

December 19, 2022

Sleep soundly this festive season

The Christmas holiday period could in fact be the perfect time to address any sleep issues, so you can start...

December 10, 2022

Avoid a hangover this Christmas

There are ways to enjoy the pleasurable side of drinking without the downsides.

December 5, 2022

How to Reduce Your Risk of Alzheimer’s Today

Both B vitamin and omega-3 studies have done much better than drugs.

November 30, 2022

Sleep and the mid week wine habit

WHY WINE MAKES YOU FEEL RELAXED Alcohol makes you relax. It promotes the release of the neurotransmitter GABA, the brain's...

November 14, 2022

Four simple changes that may halve your dementia risk, say experts

The new research showed that there are four easy ways to cut your risk of dementia in half.

November 10, 2022

How the Sunshine Nutrients and Exercise Can Boost Happiness

Do you find your mood dips during the winter? If so, you are not alone – and it’s not just...

November 8, 2022

My Suggested Actions if you Suspect Viral Infection

My suggested actions if you suspect a viral attack.

October 13, 2022

Flu jab – yes?

Should you get the flu jab?

September 29, 2022

Alzheimer’s IS Preventable – Spread the Word

Food for the Brain Foundation have launched the Alzheimer’s Is Preventable Campaign. Spread the word!

September 20, 2022

Covid-19 and Vitamin D: a wasted opportunity

Dr David S Grimes MD FRCP, retired consultant physician reviews the response to Vitamin D during the pandemic.

September 20, 2022

Is There Any Point Spending Money on Supplements?

You’ll notice that the ODA’s are often ten times the standard Recommended Daily Amounts (RDA’s), which reflect only the minimum...

September 12, 2022

Is the Alzheimer’s Amyloid Theory based on a Brain Scan Scam?

Is the theory, in which big pharma has invested tens of billions of dollars in research, a red herring?

July 26, 2022

The Science of What Works is Very Clear

My paper has been selected as ‘editors choice’ in Nutrients journal.

July 21, 2022

Stop Hiding Vaccine Damage

How many people is it acceptable to harm or kill to save others? This is one of the hardest ethical...

June 15, 2022

Vitamin Friendly Unvaxed Have Lower Hospitalisations

A study of over 300,000 people who elected not to get vaccinated shows participants place minimal burden on health systems...

June 14, 2022

How Social Is Your GP?

There could be some surprising treatments on offer when you next visit your GP.

June 14, 2022