
Catch up with my opinion on the News and nutrition research. I’ll keep you informed of the latest developments and add my analysis. Sign up to my to be kept fully up-to-date.

Vitamin C Does Speed Up COVID Recovery

So this was a trial to see if vitamin C or/and zinc could speed up recovery. and hence reduce the...

February 15, 2021

Professors and Doctors Call for increased Vitamin D use to combat Covid 19

Over 300 Professors and Doctors Call For Increased Vitamin D Use To Combat COVID-19.

February 5, 2021

80% less deaths in critical covid patients – vitamin c placebo study shows

Zhiyong Peng, who is Professor and Chair of Critical Care Medicine from the Zhongnan Hospital in Wuhan, says “We undertook...

January 12, 2021

Is Vitamin C Deficiency in Care Homes the Final Straw?

Why does Vitamin C Matter? People deficient in vitamin C are particularly susceptible to severe respiratory infections, such as pneumonia,...

January 11, 2021

Vitamin C 4 Covid Campaign launches

Despite the extensive evidence, all detailed in the scientific review published in ‘Nutrients’, supporting the use of vitamin C in...

December 16, 2020

Major Science Review Shows Vitamin C is a Game Changer

Can vitamin C help prevent, shorten duration and save lives in COVID-19?

December 9, 2020

Flu jab – yes or no?

Every year the vaccine experts place their bets. In a good year that achieve 50% efficacy and in a bad...

November 9, 2020

Where are the covid deaths?

The undeniable data I have access to every week is what’s happening in Intensive Care Units, supplied by the ICNARC...

November 9, 2020

Vitamin C cuts COVID deaths by two thirds

The key measure of the severity of symptoms is called the SOFA oxygenation index. Those with a SOFA score greater...

October 13, 2020

Did Vaccinations or Vitamins Stop Measles Deaths?

Which cut measles death rate the most? Vitamins or vaccines? Should all children be vaccinated or better nourished or both?

September 30, 2020

Government Response to Vaccine Petition

If you signed the petition against restrictions on those who choose not to have a Covid-19 vaccination you’ll be pleased...

September 16, 2020

Immunity, Tests, Vaccines, Risk and Best Treatment – Update

Would you like to know the latest on immunity and tests, vaccines, best ICU treatments?

September 1, 2020

Should the covid vaccine be mandatory?

Much of this depends on proven effectiveness and safety of a vaccine. People live in an illusion that a vaccine...

August 11, 2020

Wired and Tired Post Covid? The Nutrition Connection

Some, who’ve had a lengthy covid-19 infection also struggle to recover both physical and mental health in terms of both...

July 8, 2020

Steroids Work Better with Vitamin C

The use of steroids during a cytokine storm, which is what’s happening in the acute phase of this disease, was...

June 17, 2020

The Black Hole of Vitamin C

When a plane crashes the black box is recovered, a device that records everything’s that’s gone wrong. The wreckage is...

June 1, 2020

Vitamin C Cuts Sugar Cravings

‘Since taking vitamin C regularly my sugar craving has gone. Could this be connected?’ The simple answer is yes.

May 19, 2020

Why Selenium Increases Your Odds for Mild Infection

For most people a COVID-19 infection is unpleasant but over in a week. For some it is severe and potentially...

May 6, 2020

COVID Update – focus on Vitamin D – by Dr Malcolm Kendrick

I have found, I suspect like almost everyone else, that it is almost impossible to keep track of what is...

May 4, 2020