
Catch up with my opinion on the News and nutrition research. I’ll keep you informed of the latest developments and add my analysis. Sign up to my to be kept fully up-to-date.

BBC’s The truth about healthy eating

The truth about healthy eating on BBC1 last night was a programme with an agenda - rather boring and, in...

June 3, 2016

Two thirds of anti-depressant prescriptions are ‘off label’

Two thirds of all antidepressant prescriptions are ‘off label’ given for conditions that have no licence, nor good evidence, to...

May 24, 2016

Magic mushrooms and depression

The findings, published today in the Lancet Psychiatry Journal revealed that 67% of patients were depression free 1 week after treatment, and 42% still...

May 19, 2016

Study shows cutting carbs does not enhance fat burning

Do low carb high fat diets really help you to burn fat? A new study indicates no.

May 5, 2016

How to Stay Young (2) Review

Did you learn anything? More reinforcement that diet and an active lifestyle make a difference.

April 15, 2016

The Eatwell Guide vs Perfect Diet Pyramid

PHE publish their new 'Eatwell Guide' with carbs and dairy reduced and it's remarkably similar to my Perfect Diet Pyramid.

April 13, 2016

How to stay young – was BBC’s programme accurate?

Last night’s BBC programme How to Stay Young investigated how to stay young. Did you see it?

April 8, 2016

Enlighten your body, detox your mind

If you get the nutrition right for the brain it is optimum nutrition for the body.

April 7, 2016

Are blueberries food for the brain

Are blueberries food for the brain? Definitely yes, according to a new study revealed in the Daily Mail.

March 17, 2016

Depression – Food is Better than Drugs

Anti depressant prescriptions to teenagers are up 54%, says WHO despite evidence on no benefit and an increased suicide risk.

March 9, 2016

Is personalised nutrition the key to losing weight?

Yesterday’s Daily Mail article and tonight’s Trust Me I’m a Doctor on BBC1, has created a hoohaa about personalised nutrition...

January 27, 2016

Getting ready to lose weight

Losing weight is one of our most popular New Year’s Resolutions. So how can you make sure that this is...

January 5, 2016

Soya – good or bad?

A prevailing belief I often hear is that soya promotes cancer. I have seen no evidence of this, and many...

November 12, 2015

Chemical cancer

The primary causes of cancer are bad diet, environmental toxins, stress and hormone imbalances.

November 5, 2015

Government report recommends a sugar tax

The government’ disease prevention think tank, Public Health England (PHE), has recommended taxing sugar.

October 23, 2015

Statins add only three days to life

A major study in the British Medical Journal , which hit the headlines in the Sunday Express shows that statin...

October 19, 2015

Supplement dangers exaggerated

A report out today in the New England Journal of Medicine and reported in The Independent shows nothing to be...

October 15, 2015

Anti-depressant lies corrected

Thousands of adolescents have been harmed, and some have died by misleading people. The full story is told at

September 22, 2015

Alzheimer’s – drugs or vitamins?

There’s a blatant example of double standards going on right now with dementia. You will recall that the first ‘disease...

August 6, 2015

No sugar diabetes link

Sugar consumption isn’t linked to diabetes type 2, heart disease or obesity, says the government’s ‘expert’ SACN advisors. Pull the...

July 20, 2015