Folic acid and cancer
Last year I warned about the dangers of folic acid fortification and cancer. Today’s study in the Journal of the...
November 18, 2009
Why low carb diets aren’t good for mood
A study published today in the Archives of Internal Medicine finds that low carb diets are as good as conventional...
November 9, 2009
New statin dangers and what works better
Neither aspirin, nor statins have any substantial effect on reducing heart disease risk if you haven’t already had a heart...
November 9, 2009
Tired, sniffling, low? You need sunshine
What's the cause of winter ailments, colds and blues? A lack of vitamin S - sunshine. What's the cure? A...
October 26, 2009
Diabetes disaster
Figures released today show that the number of people in the world with diabetes has risen from an estimated 30...
October 22, 2009
How to cut the stress of addiction
Many people prone to addiction have 'reward deficiency syndrome' making them more prone to stress. Recent research shows how amino...
October 15, 2009
B vitamins cut heart deaths by over 80%
A study published by the American Journal of Cardiology finds that cardiovascular patient with high homocysteine levels (above 15µmol/l) treated...
October 7, 2009
Depression – food is better than drugs
In case you didn’t know anti-depressant drugs work as ‘enhanced placebos’.
October 5, 2009
The best six natural painkillers
An estimated 35% of the population suffer from chronic pain - 28 million in the UK. NSAID painkillers (from aspirin...
October 5, 2009
Vaccines are dangerous
Almost 2,000 girls given the cervical cancer vaccine have suffered serious side-effects. One claims to have been paralysed, another may...
October 2, 2009
Do statin dangers outweigh benefits?
New fears over an increasing list of side-effects has sparked the need for more research to investigate the dangers of...
September 25, 2009
The dangers of painkillers
The average person takes 373 painkillers a year. Over 2,000 people in Britain die as a result and at least...
September 8, 2009
Genes don’t cause Alzheimer’s
The discovery of two new 'contributor' genes for Alzheimer's has led to hyped up headlines implying that the cure will...
September 7, 2009
Tea drinkers are smarter and younger
Two recent studies show that tea drinkers have the edge in memory tests and tests for longevity. The latest study,...
August 28, 2009
One in seven teenagers lack vitamin D
That’s the conclusion of a study of 3,577 12 to 19 year olds in America. The researchers found that the...
August 18, 2009
One in ten on anti-depressants
A report out today confirms a massive increase in prescribing antidepressants in the US. Between 1996 and 2005, the rate...
August 5, 2009
Omega 3 fat makes you thin
The higher your omega 3 status the lower your weight. That's the finding of a new study in the Journal...
July 23, 2009
Multivitamin use cuts heart disease risk
A study of over 77,000 people finds that those who take either daily multivitamins or vitamin in excess of 215mg...
July 20, 2009
High insulin triples breast cancer risk
Yet more evidence that poor blood sugar control is a major driver of breast cancer has emerged from a study...
July 13, 2009
Eating fish cuts memory loss
A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition of 15,000 people across seven countries finds that eating fish cuts...
July 9, 2009