
Healthy ageing is defined as ‘the process of developing and maintaining functional ability that enables wellbeing in older age’.

Healthy ageing depends largely on healthy living. That’s great news because so much of what you can do to be healthy today will prevent you from feeling beyond your years tomorrow.

Most of us are concerned with the effect ageing has on our body, our looks and our health. In this section I’ll help you understand how to deal with the common experiences of ageing such as memory loss and weakening bones, as well as how to turn on your anti-ageing genes.


Look ten years younger with the H-factor

“HomocysteineHomocysteine is an amino acid found in the blood. Elevated levels of homocysteine have been...


How to Keep Bone Mass Density when Ageing

The ability to keep your bones strong depends to a large extent on how your...


Anti-nutrients – do we need to detox?

Mankind in the 21st century has a total load of anti-nutrients far in excess of...


Strawberry Yields Forever

If Hippocrates was minister of health, instead of prescribing you a drug, your doctor would...


Olive oil’s secret painkiller ingredient

Good quality olive oil protects the heart, brain, skin and reduces blood sugar, inflammation and...


BBC’s The truth about healthy eating

The truth about healthy eating on BBC1 last night was a programme with an agenda...


How to Stay Young (2) Review

Did you learn anything? More reinforcement that diet and an active lifestyle make a difference.


How to stay young – was BBC’s programme accurate?

Last night’s BBC programme How to Stay Young investigated how to stay young. Did you...


Mediterranean diet keeps you ‘genetically young’

A study in the British Medical Journal has found that the Mediterranean Diet (which is...


Are you B12 deficient? Why treatment has to change.

Many people who suffer from tiredness, failing mood and memory lack vitamin B12, known as...


Cynicism is seriously bad for you

Three studies have now found that the most negative emotion is not stress, anger or...


Alternate day ‘IF’ fasting on BBC

Last month's Horizon TV programme on how to live longer, gain health and lose weight...


Should 50 year olds be taking statins?

Today’s meta-analysis apparently presents a good case for giving those over 50, at low risk...


Healthy Ageing book No.3 bestseller

As we sail out of Ireland the Ten Secrets of Healthy Ageing has gone to...


Vitamin C lowers blood pressure and sugar

A meta-analysis of twenty nine trials confirms that a mere 500mg of vitamin C a...


Quit sugar – look 20 years younger

That's what a new study just out finds, comparing people's looks with their sugar intake.


A drug that stops Alzheimer’s developing

A new drug has been proven to stop memory loss and stop brain shrinkage in...


Five myths about ageing

The big myth about getting old is that there’s nothing good about it. The future...


Bioage check – What age are you really?

My new bioage check launches today. Are you ageing faster or slower then your number...


Insulin makes you age

Top US geneticist has solved a major anti-ageing riddle. It's a high insulin level that...


Are antioxidants harmful?

An article yesterday in The Guardian alluded again to a Cochrane Review in 2007 whose...


The Ten Secrets of 100% Healthy People is a bestseller

Interest in Patrick Holford’s Ten Secrets is hotting up with features in the Mail on...


Multivitamin users are younger, says new study

A survey of multivitamin users and non-users, measuring their biological age, has found that multivitamin...


How multivitamins may extend life

A study conducted by researchers at the National Institutes of Health has discovered a mechanism...