Heart Health, Heart Disease & Cholesterol

Heart disease can be deadly for men and women. It’s also preventable in most people. By adopting healthy lifestyle habits early, you can potentially live longer with a healthier heart.

Heart disease encompasses a wide range of cardiovascular problems. Several diseases and conditions fall under the umbrella of heart disease. Types of heart disease include: Arrhythmia – a heart rhythm abnormality.; Atherosclerosis – a hardening of the arteries; Cardiomyopathy – this condition causes the heart’s muscles to harden or grow weak; Congenital heart defects – heart irregularities that are present at birth; Coronary artery disease – caused by the build-up of plaque in the heart’s arteries; Heart infections – caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites. The term cardiovascular disease may be used to refer to heart conditions that specifically affect the blood vessels.

I want to help you understand how you can minimise your chances of a heart attack or stroke, ways to lower your cholesterol and blood pressure without drugs, how to prevent and reverse arterial disease and damage and the many natural, yet life-saving changes, you need to make to your lifestyle.


Why GPs are being told to go Low GL

Is the medical profession finally waking up to the need to put nutrition at the...


Omega-3 Ten Times Better than Statins

Everybody knows someone who died from a sudden heart attack. Knowing how to prevent cardiac...


Amazonian hi-carb heart secrets

The Tsimane tribe in the Peruvian Amazon have the lowest risk for heart disease in...


Half of heart/diabetes deaths due to diet

Nearly half of all deaths due to heart disease, stroke, and diabetes are associated with...


Statins add only three days to life

A major study in the British Medical Journal , which hit the headlines in the...


Expect more vaccines

There’s big changes at Britain’s biggest drug company, GSK, as Sir Philip Hampton, formerly of...


Could 3 cups of coffee a day reduce heart attack risk?

Is coffee good or bad for you? A study out today claims 3 - 5...


Vitamin C keeps your arteries healthy

Last week a meta-analysis of 44 clinical trials confirmed that 500mg of vitamin C a...


Statins don’t benefit 80% of takers

In case you don't know there’s a war going on about statins coinciding with a...


How NICE got snookered on statins

8 million people in Britain are on statins and the National Institute for Clinical Excellence...


3 heart smart tips

This month we're talking heart health, so here are 3 easy steps to protect your...


Five Foods That Are Better Than Drugs

If you take pain killers, diabetes drugs, cholesterol lowering or blood pressure medication or anti-depressants...


Heart Disease

More people die prematurely from diseases of the heart and arteries than anything else –...


Let’s talk about alcohol

As we emerge from lockdown and with so many people looking to have a healthy...


Three common health myths

Health advice can be really confusing and some dogmas are just wrong.Today I am going...


Eggs don’t increase heart disease – official!

It has eggsasperated me , and is eggsactly what I have been saying for decades...


Processed meats increase cancer and heart deaths

A huge study of half a million men and women finds that two hamburgers a...


High calcium linked to heart disease

A high intake of supplemental calcium appears to be associated with an increased risk of...


Omega 3s improve reading, behaviour and heart risk

A new study shows that giving children omega 3 supplements improves reading and behaviour. A...


Should 50 year olds be taking statins?

Today’s meta-analysis apparently presents a good case for giving those over 50, at low risk...


Aspirin stops B vitamins’ benefit

Homocysteine, an indicator of a lack of B vitamins (B6, B12 or folic acid), is...


Vitamin C lowers blood pressure and sugar

A meta-analysis of twenty nine trials confirms that a mere 500mg of vitamin C a...


Quit sugar – look 20 years younger

That's what a new study just out finds, comparing people's looks with their sugar intake.


Why folic acid may prevent a first, but not second heart attack

Homocysteine predicts heart attacks but trials with homocysteine lowering B vitamins such as folic acid,...


Cholesterol good for the brain

Having a high level of HDL cholesterol is associated with reducing your risk for Alzheimer’s....


Vitamin E – good or bad for strokes?

A recent analysis in the British Medical Journal suggests that vitamin E reduces the common...


Eating chocolate can reduce heart disease risk – but amount is key

I’ve long advocated good-quality dark chocolate in moderation as a health-promoting indulgence, and new research...


Carbs, not fat, cause heart disease says Scientific American

A report out today in the Scientific American makes it clear that it’s high carb...


Niacin and low GL diet better than cholesterol drugs

A study comparing the effects of niacin (B3) with the cholesterol lowering drug ezetimibe show...


New statin dangers and what works better

Neither aspirin, nor statins have any substantial effect on reducing heart disease risk if you...


B vitamins cut heart deaths by over 80%

A study published by the American Journal of Cardiology finds that cardiovascular patient with high...


Depression – food is better than drugs

In case you didn’t know anti-depressant drugs work as ‘enhanced placebos’.


Do statin dangers outweigh benefits?

New fears over an increasing list of side-effects has sparked the need for more research...


Multivitamin use cuts heart disease risk

A study of over 77,000 people finds that those who take either daily multivitamins or...


‘Eco-Atkins’ diet cuts cholesterol and weight

There’s a quandary in the diet world. Evidence shows that a low-carb, high protein diet,...


What lowers cholesterol?

If you have or have had high cholesterol, what has or hasn’t helped to lower...


Homocysteine predicts heart disease risk better than cholesterol, blood pressure or smoking

A study published this month in the British Medical Journal (Wouter de Ruijter et al,...