The Optimal Life for Optimal Health
What is the optimal way of living for the best mental and physical health?
Why Your Brain Needs Vitamin D
Vitamin D is an allrounder as far as your brain and mental health is concerned and it’s worth ensuring...
An Interview With Linus Pauling – Nobel Prize Scientist
A fascinating interview with Dr Linus Pauling on Vitamin C.
Winning The Cold War
Are you a favourite host for the cold virus? If so, now is the time to strengthen your defences...
Supplementing Vitamin D Helps Reduce Dementia Risk
Taking vitamin D supplements may help ward off dementia, according to a new, large-scale study.
The Vitamin C Illusion
When and how to take Vitamin C at the onset of virus symptoms.
50,000 Excess Deaths. Why?
The BBC reports a 9% increase in deaths in 2022 compared to 2019.
The Truth About Pandemic Policy and Politics
Why UK government pandemic skewed so far away from the actual science on the vaccines