Holford Health Club

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  • Plus tools and advice to lead you to 100% health
  • Plus 20% saving on Patrick Holford supplements
  • And much more…

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Personal Health Plan

Detailed report, analysis & tailored action plan

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With your first purchase at HOLFORDirect (suitable for vegans).

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20% off all Patrick Holford supplements & events plus free delivery over £30

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Ask Patrick questions after trial period; Low GL recipes & research updates.

Portrait of Patrick Holford

Patrick Holford

My goal is to make complex nutritional science simple to understand, and provide actionable steps so you can take control of your health.

I’ve spent 40 years studying health and what helps people reclaim it – not with drugs, but with a good, healthy diet, lifestyle and natural remedies. I’ve discovered drug free solutions for staying free from diabetes, heart disease, some cancer, Alzheimer’s and other preventable diseases.

I believe in prevention. You can learn more about my views in this report. I want to take you from your current level of health to 100% and keep you there, so you can live life to the full.

Wishing you the best of health.

Patrick Holford

Nutrition Expert & Founder of the Institute for Optimum Nutrition

Portrait of Patrick Holford

Patrick Holford

My goal is to make complex nutritional science simple to understand, and provide actionable steps so you can take control of your health.

I’ve spent 40 years studying health and what helps people reclaim it – not with drugs, but with a good, healthy diet, lifestyle and natural remedies. I’ve discovered drug free solutions for staying free from diabetes, heart disease, some cancer, Alzheimer’s and other preventable diseases.

I believe in prevention. You can learn more about my views in this report. I want to take you from your current level of health to 100% and keep you there, so you can live life to the full.

Wishing you the best of health.

Patrick Holford

Nutrition Expert & Founder of the Institute for Optimum Nutrition


I read hundreds of studies a year assimilating the latest health breakthroughs and turn them into practical advice to make it easy for you to live a healthy life. My reports link to studies, so you can dig deep and judge for yourself.

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Hotline to Holford

After the one month free trial, members can have a Q&A with me in the Health Club Facebook group page and access to discussions & health tips.

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Portrait of Patrick Holford

How to Beat the Blues

Here are my natural solutions to improve your mood.

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My blogs keep you up-to-date on the latest research and cut through the fake news to bring you 'real' information.

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