This followed NICE (The National Institute for Clinical Excellence) accepting that there are 18 relevant clinical trials. We have, and continue, to ask for the actual review made by experts that informed the health minister.
I have also pointed out to them that “these caveats are questionable since:
- it is not the SIZE that counts but the statistical significance
- The only trial with EARLY TERMINATION did so by error according to its own criteria (Thomas et al) but still showed 70% improved recovery rate
- DIFFERENCE IN DOSES is exactly how studies get done and how one finds the effective dose range. In these trials the higher dose studies have tended to be more effective.
- LACK OF PLACEBO is standard, especially during a pandemic when most study designs give standard treatment plus or minus intervention. The RECOVERY dexamethasone study, for example, that triggered its widespread recommendation and use of steroids throughout the UK was not placebo controlled.
- VITAMIN C PLASMA LEVELS is not easy to test in NHS hospitals in infectious people and, anyway, the key outcome is whether vitamin C works. The RECOVERY trial, for example, didn’t measure pre and post steroid levels yet was not criticised as such.”
Why do safe inexpensive vitamins have to jump through more hoops than drugs and still get ignored? VITAMINC4COVID is running a masterclass for practitioners on Vitamin CWhat it does: Strengthens immune system – fights infections. Makes collagen, keeping bones, skin and joints firm and strong. Antioxidant, detoxifying pollutants and protecting against… for Infections, Covid, Sepsis and cancer on 23 February.
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