A report published last week in the British Medical Journal has found that eating green leafy vegetables can reduce your risk of developing Type 2 (or adult-onset) diabetes.
The research from the University of Leicester reviewed six studies involving 220,000 people and found that those eating more than one serving of kale, broccoli, spinach, sprouts or cabbage each day have a lower risk of developing the disease than those who rarely consume any. “Increasing consumption of green leafy vegetables by one and a half UK portions a day (121.9g) could result in a 14% reduction in the incidence of Type 2 diabetes,” concluded the authors. They attribute the positive benefit to the vegetable’s high antioxidantAntioxidants are substances that protect cells within the body from damage caused by free radicals. They help to strengthen the body’s ability to fight infection… and magnesiumWhat it does: Strengthens bones and teeth, promotes healthy muscles by helping them to relax, also important for PMS, important for heart muscles and nervous… content. But boosting nutrient intake is only half the story when it comes to tackling the epidemic of diabetes we are seeing in Western society. Reducing intake of sugary foods and refined carbohydrates is also key. This is why those following a low-GL diet can dramatically reduce their risk of diabetes – and why such a diet can even reverse Type 2 diabetes in those who have already developed it. It also aids successful weight loss, increases energy and improves health overall. To find out more, read my Low-GL Diet Bible, or if you are a member of 100% Health, click here for free access to my Special Report outlining the principles of low-GL eating. If you’re not yet a member but would like to join, click here to find out more.
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