Combinations of nutrients, herbs and lifestyle changes are likely to be as effective, but without the downsides. These should be the first resort, not the last, if you are feeling stressed or anxious, or can’t sleep.
There are a number of routes you can take to vanquish anxiety and sleeplessness. Although it’s safe to combine behavioural techniques such as sleep hygiene with, say, taking GABA, it’s best to avoid taking all of the substances below in combination.
For example, take either melatonin or 5-HTP or tryptophan, possibly with some GABA or Valerian, but not all of them together.
What Works
Find the right kind of psychotherapy, especially cognitive behavioural therapy.
Take 500mg of GABA an hour before bed. (Be aware that GABA is not available in the UK.) Don’t combine with drugs that target GABA, such as most sleeping pills, unless under the guidance of a health professional.
Take 3 to 6mg melatonin before bed; it’s available on prescription. OR take 100 to 200mg 5-HTP, or 2 to 4g of L-tryptophan, both one hour before bed with a light carbohydrateCarbohydrates are the primary source of energy for the body as they can be broken down into glucose (sugar) more readily than either protein or… snack. Don’t combine 5-HTP with anti-depressants unless under the guidance of a health professional. 5-HTP is in both Chill Food and Mood Food in my Mind range.
Practise sleep ‘hygiene’ – see Food is Better Medicine Than Drugs) – or read my Complete Guide to a Good Night’s Sleep report, and exercise regularly. Eat more green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds to ensure you’re getting enough magnesiumWhat it does: Strengthens bones and teeth, promotes healthy muscles by helping them to relax, also important for PMS, important for heart muscles and nervous…, and consider supplementing 300mg of magnesium in the evening with or without calciumWhat it does: Promotes a healthy heart, clots blood, promotes healthy nerves, contracts muscles, improves skin, bone and dental health, relieves aching muscles and bones,… (500mg).
Consider taking valerian, hops, passion flower, St John’s wort or a ‘sleep formula’ combining several of them. Choose a standardised extract or tincture and follow the dosage instructions.
Avoid sugar and caffeine and minimise your intake of alcohol. Don’t combine alcohol with sleeping pills or anti-anxiety medication.
Dig deeper by reading Food is Better Medicine Than Drugs for all the evidence to support this approach, and its comparative effectiveness and safety compared to the conventional treatment of anxiety and insomnia. Also read The Stress Cure.
Working with Your Doctor
Many of the recommendations we have made above are easy for you to put into action. You may wish to work with a nutritional therapist who can devise a more personalised plan of action and support you through the process.
If you are currently taking sleeping pills, and have some level of dependence, it is extremely important to enrol your doctor’s support to help you come off gradually. Most sleeping pills create ‘down-regulation’ to GABA, which means you become less responsive to the body’s own natural relaxant GABA, the net consequence being rebound anxiety when you reduce the dose. The body can ‘up-regulate’, making you more sensitive to your own relaxing GABA, but this takes time: hence the need to reduce the dose gradually.
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