This week the General Medical Council’s case against Dr Andrew Wakefield, Professor Simon Murch and Professor Walker-Smith, the doctors who reported a link between MMR vaccination and autistic-like symptoms in some children, starts again. This hearing has now run for around 110 days and is schedule to run until the middle of this year, in a vain attempt to keep the lid on vaccine damage caused to thousands of children.
Recently I was sent an excellent, in-depth article by Martin Walker about the way in which the Government’s Joint Committee on Vaccine and Immunology (JCVI) have tried to disguise the very real fact of vaccine induced fits and febrile convulsions by claiming that deaths from vaccination are actually the nebulous, sudden infant death syndrome deaths (SIDS). Here’s his conclusion: “Vaccine-damage-denial has presently reached epidemic proportions in Britain. The most exceptional thing about this movement is that it has as members many doctors sworn to protect individual human health. It might be said that the Government, the pharmaceutical companies and the science lobby groups have attempted to manage herd immunity with an argument that says vaccines cause no damage at all, ever, under any circumstances. The test for herd immunity amongst vaccine-damage-deniers is that for individuals new to the conflict, no information is needed and no discussion is tolerated, the argument that vaccines cannot cause damage appears like magic with fully-fledged dogmatism. While such received opinions might be plausible amongst the general population, its plausibility amongst legal, regulatory and political office holders is startling, manifesting at best as an ‘agreement in ignorance’ and at worst a criminal conspiracy that causes death and disability to a sub-set of babies and young children, in the name of herd immunity. The British vaccine programme and those who guide it, run it and oversee it, presents one of the clearest examples of unaccountable, misguided and possibly criminal decisions made by a group of self-interested medical apparatchiks, in the history of British medical politics. The programme began initially to fall apart under the pressure of adverse damage reports in the 1970s. But instead of opening the doors to accountability and a minimal democracy, the DH, the government and political appointees like Professor David Salisbury, shut the gates of Whitehall and like unhappy totalitarians went on buying shoes and having architects build monuments to their greatness while the nation’s children suffered. But none of this reasoning is likely to affect the mandarins of Richmond House who have already signed a pledge to serve a Lucky Dip, low cost public health care system. The Government will undoubtedly continue to chase herd immunity and measles eradication, apparently for reasons of public health, the pharmaceutical companies for reasons of profit. But like Chaplin’s character in Modern Times, unable to keep up with the conveyor belt, those unable to keep up with the herd, in this system, will become sick and fall by the wayside.”
If you’d like to read the full article ‘To encourage others’ and find out the truth about the risks of the MMR vaccine please visit
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