Living in the US is bad for your health

Bruce Springsteen may sing about the joys of being ‘born in the USA’ but recent research begs to differ. A new study conducted on 91,642 children aged 0 to 17 investigated the prevalence of allergic disease, including asthma, eczema, hayfever, and food allergies found:

1.Children born outside the United States had significantly lower odds of any atopic disorders than those born in the United States, including ever-asthma, current-asthma, eczema, hayfever, and food allergies.
2.Children born outside of the United States, whose parents were also born outside the United States, had significantly lower odds of any atopic disorders than those whose parents were born in the United States.
3.Children born outside the United States, who lived in the United States for longer than 10 years, when compared with those who resided for only 0 to 2 years, had significantly higher odds of developing allergic disorders, including eczema and hayfever, but not asthma or food allergies.

The question is, why? I believe there are a number of possible factors which could hype up a child’s immune system and lead them to develop allergic-like reactions:

1.A poor diet, high in sugar and low in nutrients – we know that a lower intake of omega 3 fats and vitamin D, both commonly deficient in the standard American diet (SAD), depresses immunity. In animal studies genetically modified food causes similar increases in abnormal immune responses.
2.Environmental and food exposure to chemicals – in household products, foods and pollution.
3.The heavy load of vaccines, now mandatory in the US, may play a part – a child in the US receives up to 24 vaccine injections before aged 2.

Finding a definitive answer won’t be easy, but these are certainly avenues worth exploring. Investigating the impact of vaccines, might be politically unpopular, but it would be interesting to see if children arriving in the US, not having had this vaccine load so early on, have a different allergic sensitivity. For more information on the study, see the Journal of the American Medical Association’s journal Pediatrics, published online April 29, 2013. For more on vaccines,