The following treatment centres incorporate the principles and practice of nutritional therapy in their treatment protocol:
UK Centres :
The Brain Bio Centre – is an out-patient clinic offering nutritional therapy post-detox for those with addiction problems. The Brain Bio Centre, part of the charitable Food for the Brain Foundation, is based in Putney, South West London and specialises in nutritional approaches to mental health problems. Its staff include psychiatrists and nutritional therapists. Visit for more information.
US Centres :
Bridging the Gaps is a residential and non-residential treatment center located in Winchester Virginia. For those seeking sobriety with intravenous nutritional therapy, Bridging the Gaps may be just the place to go. The treatment philosophy there is based on the the need for healing on physical, emotional and spiritual levels, and is melded with the 12 Steps of Recovery. Bridging the Gaps addresses the readjustment of the body’s own physiology, emphasizing restoration of the body’s biochemistry for a quality life in recovery. In addition to intravenous nutritional therapy, they provide exercise, meditation, stress reduction techniques, acupuncture, nutrition education and oral nutritional therapy. The educational program at Bridging the Gaps was designed and developed by Merlene Miller. David Miller is a consultant for Bridging the Gaps.
Community Addiction Recovery Association (CARA) is a nonprofit organization in Sacramento, California, treating chemical dependency with nutrition, supplements, acupuncture, acu-detox, herbal tea, and yoga. Staff includes licensed acupuncturists and certified practitioners of clinical nutrition and the various mind-body integration techniques offered. CARA contracts with individual treatment facilities to provide any or all of these services on site.
Carol Cummings, M.S.W., an addiction counsellor in private practice as part of Counselling and Mediation Services in Wichita, Kansas, uses a variety of alternative treatment methods. First, the client is assessed, usually by a psychiatrist, to evaluate any serotoninSerotonin is a hormone found naturally in the brain and digestive tract. It is often referred to as the ‘happy hormone’ as it influences mood…. or dopamineDopamine is a neurotransmitter (chemical messenger) found within the brain. It has a variety of influences on brain function including playing a role in regulating… deficit or other neurochemical imbalance. Appropriate nutrition and amino acid and vitamins supplements are then recommended. Clients are introduced to a variety of stress-reducing techniques including slowing breath, progressive relaxation, meditation, prayer, music, art, and aroma therapy.
Outpatient at Excel Treatment Center in Denver, Colorado, specializes in intravenous nutritional therapy along with oral nutrients that help reverse genetic and drug related neurological damage. The intravenous therapy is administered under the supervision of a licensed physician as a painless drip over 3-4 hours for ten treatments and is followed by weekly follow-up treatment for six months. Excel claims a greater than 80% success rate over a period of 12 months.
InnerBalance Health Center is a residential alcohol and drug treatment center located in Colorado and has been helping people suffering from alcohol and drug addictions since 1998. Their combination of biochemical restoration, nutritional Counselling, talk therapy and lifestyle counselling has resulted in a reported successful sobriety in over 80% of their clients.
Recovery Systems Clinic in Mill Valley California, provides holistic outpatient assessments, counselling and nutritional therapy along with medical care for alcohol, drug and food addictions. Founder and executive director, Julia Ross, MA, is also the author of The Diet Cure and The Mood Cure. The staff of holistic nutritionists, counsellors, and physicians is trained to identify symptoms of transmitter deficiencies and imbalances as well as other nutritional deficiencies and to recommend appropriate treatment for the deficiencies and underlying causes. You can email Julia at
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