Health Secrets in the Sunday Times Pt2

The Sunday Times Style mag publish the second part of the 10 Step Plan for a healthier you, based on my book the Ten Secrets of 100% Healthy People If you’d like to find out more about letting go of emotional baggage, increasing your vital Chi energy or homocysteine, the H factor, read on.

The eighth secret in Ten Secrets of 100% Healthy People is ‘generating vital energy’. Almost every day I take 20 minutes out to do two exercises. The first is Psychocalisthenics, a 15 minute routine of 23 exercises that not only generate Chi but also keep you strong, fit and supple. It takes 4 hours to learn Psychocalisthenics (PCals) and we run courses four times a year, the next being on Saturday February 20th, as part of our 100% Health Weekend Intensive. I then spend five to ten minutes doing a series of Chi generating exercises called The Kath State Exercises. These are five specific movements, in coordination with a precise breathing technique and internal visualisation, that are much like Chi Gung in a nutshell. You can learn the Kath State Exercises from an instructional book, but it’s best to learn in a half day course which is being offered in London on Saturday April 24th. Also on that day is an introduction to some of the highly effective techniques used in the Hoffman Process for becoming free of negative emotional patterns and charge, led by Tim Laurence, author of You Can Change Your Life.

The Ten Secrets book explains all about the H Factor – that is homocysteine, your blood level of which is a very good predictor of cardiovascular, dementia/Alzheimers and osteoporosis risk. it is well worth knowing your score (see and then taking the simple diet, supplement and lifestyle actions to bring your H score below 6, which is ideal. The single most effective way to maintain healthy homocysteine levels is to supplement a combination of ‘methylation’ nutrients (B2,B6, folic acid, B12, TMG and NAC). These are available in supplements, the best of which contain methylB12 which is a more bioavailable form of B12. This is especially important as you age. According to research from Oxford University two in five people over age 61 are B12 deficient – and the only level proven to correct mild deficiency is 500mcg – that’s 500 times the RDA! This is largely because one’s ability to absorb B12 lessens with age. There is no way you can eat this much. One clear sign of B12 deficiency, and raised homocysteine, is failing memory. BioCare make Connect, a supplement that contains all these methylation nutrients.