Avoiding GM foods Improves Health

If you’re looking to have a healthy start post Covid lockdown, you may want to think about the implications of eating GM Foods. A peer-reviewed survey in 2017 redefines how we think and speak about genetically modified organisms (GMOs), Roundup®, and organic diets. The survey results revealed that 3,256 people reported improvements in 28 health conditions after reducing their GMO intake. Many conditions were “nearly” or “completely” recovered. (by Jeffrey Smith)

If you’re skeptical, you’re not alone. Years ago, when people told me they could tell the difference when they ate GMOs versus non-GMOs, I didn’t believe them. I am embarrassed to admit this, since by then I had already compiled the evidence of GMO health dangers into two books and spoken about the topic in 25 countries. I also knew that the impacts on lab animals was quick—rats fed GMOs were seriously damaged within just 10 days. But for some reason I was convinced that their detrimental influence on humans would be slow and subtle.

It wasn’t until I spoke with doctors who had prescribed non-GMO diets to thousands of patients that I realized just how quickly—and dramatically—humans can respond. I visited their clinics to speak with patients to confirm this first-hand. Many were seeing improvements right away, with chronic conditions disappearing in just days or weeks.

I wasn’t convinced – but now I am! Then I started asking audience members at my lectures to share their stories of improved health after they switched to non-GMO diets. The responses from participants at more than 150 lectures has been consistent and became predictable. These lectures included about 20 presentations at medical conferences, where practitioners reported changes in hundreds, or even thousands of their patients. When the Institute for ResponsibleTechnology surveyed their subscribers, 3,256 responders reported similar health improvements.

We can now say with confidence that numerous people experience improvements in awide variety of health conditions after switching to non-GMO diets. Not everyone responds the same way, but the changes are often significant, with many reporting long-lasting conditions going away completely. In addition to chronic issues like digestive disorders, obesity, immune conditions, skin problems, pain, and blood pressure, there are also changes that can enhance the quality of life for relatively healthy people. These include more energy, relief from brain fog, reduced anxiety and depression, improved sleep, better memory, and enhanced ability to concentrate.

Change your diet and watch what happens. Switch to organic but take notes! Keep a journal. List what you eat, your energylevel, mood, and all your health symptoms and their levels of intensity. See what happens after a few weeks on an all-organic diet. For many people, the impact will be absolutely unmistakable. For some, it will be dramatic and life-changing.

It’s best to choose organic, rather than just non-GMO. Roundup is sprayed on many non-GMO crops to dry them out just before harvest. Organic food disallows the use of GMOs, Roundup, and other synthetic toxins. Some ancient foods, like Kamut wheat, has also avoided the many ‘hybridrisations’ that, although not technically genetical modification, does change gluten proteins.

It’s time to boldly promote organic food based on the health impacts and to quickly usher GMOs out of the food supply. You guys in the UK must resist American corporate pressure to allow GMOs in.

Read the summary of the survey here at www.patrickholford.com/gmsurvey

Jeffrey Smith – Institute for Responsible Technology – for more information visit www.RepsonsibleTechnology.org